APPLICATIONS | Applications with water


Productions for broadcast, film or theater can take place in difficult situations where humidity and moisture are present and make successful realization difficult. In such cases, waterproof microphones can be the right solution.

Application Description Recommended products
Reportage in wet environments Journalists/reporters who produce reports in damp/wet environments VT500/506WATER, VT500/506WA
Reality-TV TV shows where waterproofness, robustness and easy handling are required. VT500X NECKLACE
Sailing regattas sports broadcasts Microphones are mounted on the sailor(s) to involve the audience in the various processes of the event. The microphones are also installed directly on the boats to transmit ambient noise (water, wind). VT401/403 SERIES
Ice hockey sports broadcasts In order to offer a special TV experience, players and referees are miked. Wetness and sweat place high demands on the microphones. VT500/506WA
Theater performances with water The microphones are mounted hidden on actors and can be immersed in water during the performance VT403WA, VT500X
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